
Thursday, September 17, 2015

My Last Lesson

So on my last post I was freaked out because I had a riding lesson and I hadn't ridden in quite a while. I shouldn't have worried because it went GREAT!
That gif really doesn't fit but whatever, it's cute.

I rode Lyric, a little 20 year old dartmoor pony who I love. 

She's so sweet and old and cute and awwww yaaaaaay!
Lyric isn't at the place I normally ride at anymore, she's at my instructor's place where she gives lessons sometimes. I like it better there, I think, it's much more laid back and there's no huge indoor arenas to intimidate me, lol. Her "arena" is a little round clearing, which is actually pretty nice because all the trees provide plenty of shade.

I didn't do much really, just some practice changing direction across a circle, sitting trot, and working on getting a faster, more working trot. I didn't even canter! I wish I would've. I'm looking forward to getting back to jumping. I have another lesson Monday and I'm super excited! Soon I'll be doing 3 lessons a week, and hopefully I'll get to go see Tuesday a lot too. 

I'm not sure if I said this before, but I'm taking a break from riding Tuesday because I need to re-gain some confidence and work at a higher level on Lyric. I'm just not quite ready to ride Tuesday, but hopefully, with some work on Lyric, I'll be able to soon!

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